Whether you are interested in Madrid's 20th-century architecture or if you are simply looking for a different heritage to visit, stay and read this blog post that we have prepared for you. Know ten essential buildings of 20th-century architecture in Madrid; so that on your next getaway to this capital you can enjoy Madrid's architecture in a different way than usual.
10 essentials of 20th-century architecture in Madrid
All the buildings on this route were designed and built between the 1920s and 1970s and reflect the economic, cultural, and social evolution of this era.
1. Philosophy and Letters Faculty at Universidad Complutense. Completed in 1936, this building by Agustín Aguirre López, reflects the influence of rationalist architecture from other European cities, so important in the history of 20th-century architecture in Madrid.
2. Colegio Maravillas Gymnasium. Designed by Alejandro de la Sota, its pioneering nature makes it an emblematic work for 20th-century architecture in Madrid. Its entirely metallic structure would be a model for later generations.
3. Albéniz Theater. This is one of the first multifunctional buildings that incorporated cinematographic technologies, and for this reason, this building by Manuel Ambrós Escanellas is part of Madrid's 20th-century architecture
4. Palacio de la Prensa. Also multifunctional, this building by Pedro Muguruza, is a unique work due to its monumental vocation and its eclectic style, influenced by Spanish architects and contemporary American architecture of the 20th-century in Madrid.
5. Capitol Building. The most popular and visited on this route through Madrid's 20th-century architecture, as well as being an undoubted icon of Gran Vía, this building is one of the most important works of Spanish rationalism more expressionist.
6. Gas station on Avenida de Aragón. Although it looks like the scene of a science fiction movie, this gas station is a representative project of the same expressionist rationalism as the previous one.
7. Former BBVA headquarters. Located in Paseo de la Castellana, this example of 20th-century architecture in Madrid is unique thanks to the care taken by its architect, Sáenz de Oiza, with proportions, design, and materials.
8. Casa de Lucio Muñoz in Torrelodones. Designed by architect Fernando Higueras, it is a great example of a family home from the early 1960s
9. Iglesia de San Agustín. A reinterpretation of Renaissance and Baroque architecture like this one, adapted to the 1950s in materials and design, could not be missing from this Madrid's 20th-century architecture tour.
10. Convent, Theology, and Church of San Pedro Mártir de los Padres Dominicos. Last stop on this tour, work of Miguel de Fisac and an indisputable architectural example of what a total work of art is.
Selected as an Asset of Cultural Interest or Patrimonial Interest, these emblematic constructions are part of the rich heritage that the Community of Madrid protects, and visiting them can be a great discovery. From Hotel Quatro Puerta del Sol you can comfortably reach all of them, as its central location allows you to move around Madrid and its surroundings with total peace of mind.